Indusboard-based IoT Smartwatch for Movement Tracking 

Previously we designed the Smartwatch with IndusBoard that shows us the time and we also added a few more functions to it.

Moving forward, we will design the dashboard and incorporate movement tracking into the watch. This feature will assist in tracking the movements of kids, pets, and elderly individuals, along with monitoring their surroundings.

We will develop a smart IoT dashboard utilizing INDUSBOARD’s built-in sensor data to track movement, the direction of facing, motion, surrounding temperature, and other relevant data.

Fig 1. IoT Smartwatch using Indusboard

 Bill of Materials

ComponentsDescriptionQuantityPriceIndusBoardDev Board11500USB Type CAdapter1100Round Touch Display GC9A01 Driver And CST816S Capacitive Touch Driver 11000

Indusboard-based IoT Smartwatch Code

In the code, the initial step is to configure the SSID and password to connect with our WiFi network. Following this, we’ll implement logic to obtain the direction using the movement in the magnetic field relative to the Earth’s magnetic field. Subsequently, we’ll determine the angle from the north direction and send it to the web server.

Fig 2. Code for Indusboard-based IoT Smartwatch

Next, we’ll create the logic to detect the movement and falls of pets, kids, patients, and elderly individuals using acceleration data. Here, we’ll monitor and compare the current acceleration with the previous one. If the acceleration data fluctuates at a very high rate, we’ll detect motion or falls based on this rate.

Fig 3. Indusboard-based IoT Smartwatch Code

IoT Smartwatch – Circuit Connection

Fig 4. Circuit Diagram

Testing Indusboard-based IoT Smartwatch

Now, power the watch with a 3.3V battery and wait until the watch is connected to the WiFi network. Once connected, search for the IP address on your phone or laptop in a web browser. You’ll be directed to a webpage displaying data such as acceleration, magnetometer readings, motion detection status, temperature, direction, angle, and more.

Fig 5. IoT Smartwatch for Movement Tracking

Other Indusboard-based Projects

Touch Switch Board

IndusBoard OTA Programming

Interfacing OLED Display with IndusBoard

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The post Indusboard-based IoT Smartwatch for Movement Tracking  appeared first on Electronics For You.

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Repair Lord, एक ऐसा प्लेटफार्म है जहाँ से आप किसी भी तरह का रिपेयरिंग कोर्स जैसे AC PCB रिपेयरिंग कोर्स, इन्वर्टर रिपेयरिंग कोर्स, इ रिक्शा रिपेयरिंग कोर्स आदि बहुत आसानी से और काम रुपयों में कर सकते है!

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